Sunday 3 April 2011

Heading up to the mountains. Nepal.

Catching some rays in the mountains!

And now for a magic trick on the way to Pokhara.


Mister Potato....


Difficult tree, this one.

Traditional Nepali dancing is nice. I want to join them. I wish my ballet pump hadn't melted.


Catching some rays in the sunrise!

Nice view!

Wa!!!! Wild chicken!!!

Taj Mahal.

I'm still very shocked that the security forces wouldn't let me out of the rucksack and visit the Taj Mahal.

I might be an international secret agent. But I'm very soft, so I don't think I could really do any harm.

Maybe they didn't like that my brains are made of underpants.

And maybe Daddy shouldn't have told them that.

So here, for my fans is a picture of me with the Taj Mahal.


This railway station is a bit scary. There's a man over there staring at me. I think he wants to eat me.

Yipee! A mango smoothie and a chocolate shake! All for me!

This is not the easy way to get out. Next time I'll use the gate.

Catching some Zzzzzs after!

The man who is trying to eat me is out there again.

Nice river. But one of my ballet pumps fell in there, and it melted.

Mummy, don't let him eat me!!!

At last, a bed that suits me!

Have to keep up my climbing practice. But I can't go out and climb the trees in the garden because that man is waiting for me.

Phew! Nearly out of India! If I hide here, he won't find me!

Return of the Yap! You knew that I'd be back.

Hello to all my fans and admirers.

So sorry that I didn't blog for a long time. I was busy with my work as international spy and superstar.

Well, I'm back now! So you can all relax!

Wooo! Thailand Thailand.

I was very tired after climbing this big temple. So I had a little nap.

Catching some rays on a funny little blue car.

Now that's what happens if you fall asleep near a big tree. Dangerous!!!

But climbing trees is lots of fun!

Woo! I never saw a doggie breakdancing before. Oooh! Oooh! baby! But I was shocked because he wasn't wearing underpants.

Ah! This is the life. Letting somebody else do the rowing.

Bye-bye Thailand! Goodness! I'm tired. I hope they don't take me somewhere hard work, like India next....

Thursday 3 March 2011

Taj Mahal.

I'm very shocked. I wanted very much to go to the Taj Mahal.

I was sleeping in a rucksack, but suddenly a security man was checking inside, and he said about me, "This cannot go inside!", when we asked why, he just shook his head.

So, we don't know why.

Yapilopi is very soft and gentle, I don't want to hurt the Taj Mahal. Mo--------------!

But I feel very strong today because they thought I was dangerous!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

I have a lovely view from the balcony of my room. I'm thinking about going closer to the water tomorrow. But it's very scary. Maybe I can learn to swim soon.

Getting closer....

and closer....

Oooh! Looks scary....

Very scary......

Maybe tomorrow.