Wednesday 23 February 2011

Arriving in Thailand.

Having a little sleep after unloading my rucksack.

Wow! lots of sparkly things!!!!

I love sparkly!

Sparkly temples everywhere!!! It must be heaven!

Go horsey! Go! Take me to the nearest cake shop!

Hanging out with my new friends!

Ooooh! Leaving Germany.

These chairs at Frankfurt airport are very comfy, but they don'y suit my pretty swimsuit.

Just calling my agent from the onboard phone! Woooo! Technology!

Ooooh! My first flight in my life ever! Getting a little bit scared.

Ooooh! Snacks and Cola! Life is good!

Inflight movie. Woooo! Technology!

I'm not sure if I can eat all of swimsuit won't fit after.


Wednesday 16 February 2011

Here we go! Here we go!

My rucksack is packed.

And I have been practicing flying.

Ooooh! I'm getting very excited now! Yippee! 

Ready to go!

I have my new travel pillow.

And my gorgeous muffler.

My heart is getting very doki-doki.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Goodness me! Very tired!

Wa! I slept the whole day yesterday. I was very very tired. On Sunday I went to the park to make a pop video, and I climed many trees. I love climbing trees. But afterwards I had to go home in a coat pocket, because I was tired and sleepy.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Round and round and round the world.

Because I was chewing the leg of a table in my house, Daddy gave me a blue pen and a red pen and some paper. He said I could draw a picture of anything I want. Yippee!

So, I made a picture of one of my dreams. I want very very much to travel all around the world and meet many nice people and animals and trees and chickens.

I have never seen a plane but I think I will like them very much.

Daddy said maybe my dream will come true soon. Happy! Happy!

Wa! Wa! Sparkly!

Wow! I've got my new eyes! I'm so happy. They are very pretty and sparkly. Exactly what I want. Shiny shiny!

Thank you Mummy!


La la la!

Thursday 3 February 2011

Wa! Busy day! Climbing trees and Starting my blog.

I'm very excited! Yesterday I was born, and today I'm already starting my blog. I'm a little bit tired because I have been climbing the tree in my house all day. Mummy says that tomorrow I can have new eyes. I hope I can have sparkly ones.